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Benjamin S. Jeffries
Author Photographer Paranormal Investigator
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my website! Take a look around, explore the links, watch some videos, and shoot me an email if you want. I'm always around. And as always, thank you everyone for all of your tremendous support over the years! It is so appreciated that I cannot even put it into words! Take care, be at peace, buy some books, and be excellent to each other!

Brainwaves, Episode 51
Fulfilled a dream of mine with this podcast and webisode: being interviewed about IWTB by the one and only Uncle Creepy of Dread Central and my favorite podcast of all time, Dinner For Fiends.
The Paranormal View, August 5 2017
Had a good time with these cats, discussing all things Boogey-ish!
One of my favorite print interviews I did while promoting LITD and GSF.
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